Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NUTC Season 2011 Completed

Where the campers came from over the four weeks.

Good morning everyone,

The NUTC 2011 Season has finished successfully with campers from more than half of the states taking the train, bus, plane or car to get here. This summer has been amazing, four weeks jam packed full of energy and excitement throughout every throw and catch. Each week brought something new to the camp and all of the counselors certainly learned a lot from every camper. By the end of the last session the counselors and staff are even more pumped up for next year than ever before. Remember your one homework assignment over the next year is to teach five people about the sport of ultimate. You all have the power to make the sport exponentially but only you can do it. If you need help completing this task remember to use all the resources around you. Friend the new friends you made via Facebook, email the counselors and Tiina and always have a disc nearby. For those interested, Brent has made a sample ultimate workout that you can take a look at here. So until next year, good luck with your upcoming training and seasons, and we'll see you out on the fields.


NUTC Session C - Media Update #4

Thursday's Newsletter

Thursday's Photos

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

NUTC Session C - Media Update #2

Good morning again everyone,

Yesterday was awesome and today is going to be even better. Last night was the weekly camper vs. counselor game where the counselors were able to maintain their undefeated record by winning 21-1. The afternoon sessions were held inside due to the torrential rain and hail that caused a few flash floods. In its place were two rounds of seminars where the campers chose to go from activities and lectures ranging from yoga to how to tryout at the club and college levels to how to deal with school administration while maintaining a positive relationship with them. All in all it was a great afternoon despite the weather outside. Take a look at the media below to see all our fun inside and out.

Monday's Photos
Tuesday's Newsletter


Monday, August 1, 2011

NUTC Session C - Media Update # 1

Team Jaselia cheering their team on at Team Night.

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday showed some great action through the day and today is looking like it is going to be even more intense. In the morning we went through throwing technique and cutting form while the afternoon marking drills and scrimmaging took place. Last night was team night where the campers found out what teams they will be on for the rest of the week through the session c tournament. Tonight the campers are already amped for the camper vs. counselor game which should prove to be another battle for the counselors. All the photos from Saturday and Sunday have just finished uploading so here the all the action from the past couple days.

Saturday's Photos
Sunday's Photos

Saturday's Newsletter
Sunday's Newsletter
Monday's Newsletter
