Good evening all,
My sincerest apologies for the delay in getting this blog posting up for all of you to read. Last night's event ran late and the Internet connection here is spotty at best. But I have some great updates for you…
Last night, we had the camper vs. counselor game which proved once again why the campers come from all over to learn for the counselors. The points were long and the campers played really hard but in the end the counselors were the ones who were able to take the victory lap after their 23-1 win. I do have to add that that one point that the campers did get was due to one of the campers skying one of the counselors by quite a large margin. I won't name names but all I will say is that it wasn't against me (luckily!). After the excellent match and incredibly spirited play the ice cream sundae tables were set up for us all to indulge in, so it was a sweet night for everyone.
Today, the teams were able to practice zone and work on their marking before putting it all together for the first round of tournament play this afternoon. Right before lunch the players sprinted up the hill to where they were rewarded with their team shirts to wear for the remainder of camp. Actually right now teams are gathering together to discuss strategy and some teams are working on further decorating their shirts. I was able to snap some nice team photos and an all camp photo before the campers had a chance to get them dirty (which didn't take long). The afternoon action was very intense as Lavender took on Burnt Orange and Pink lined up against Red. All the points were hard fought but in the end Red and Lavender were the ones who came out victorious. The event we had this evening was trade night which proved once again how much us ultimate players all love gear. Campers (and even us counselors) were able to acquire new jerseys, shorts, hats, etc. from around the U.S. and world.
Now the part you have all been waiting for… photos and today's newsletter!
I hope you enjoy!
Monday - http://www.flickr.com/photos/nutc/sets/72157624489305700/
Tuesday AM - http://www.flickr.com/photos/nutc/sets/72157624489381976/
Tuesday PM - http://www.flickr.com/photos/nutc/sets/72157624364819471/
Today's - http://www.nutc.net/bringitin/nutc_2010a_3.pdf
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