Monday, July 19, 2010

The Gold Continues To Shine!

Good Evening,

Today was a very solid day of ultimate. The morning started off with a marking lecture and demonstration by guest counselor Brent followed by stations. The campers worked on different aspects of their game and I videotaped campers working on their deep game (reading, position, attacking the disc, etc.) so that we are able to review it later. After lunch more stations took place along with lots of scrimmaging to put what they had just learned from the stations into play. After dinner was the traditional Monday night camper vs. counselor game. The only downside was that we had to end the game early due to a large thunderstorm but don't worry us counselors were up 6-0 :-). The sad faces of the campers (because we ended the game early) were quickly remedied when the it was ice cream sundae time! Each camper was able to stuff their face with as much ice cream and toppings as they could handle. The campers have now gone to their floor meetings and will soon be heading to bed to rest up for another awesome day of ultimate tomorrow! Exciting things are set in place for them for tomorrow, they are going to have a blast! So until tomorrow… check out some of todays photos.



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